How can an enrollee get a new card?
To order a new card, contact MedStar Family Choice DC Enrollee Services at 888-404-3549.
How can an enrollee find local doctors?
Contact MedStar Health Family Choice DC Enrollee Services at 888-404-3549, or you can review a listing of in-network doctors using our Find A Provider website.
How can an enrollee change doctors?
To change doctors, call MedStar Family Choice DC Enrollee Services at 888-404-3549. A new insurance ID card with your new doctor listed will be mailed to you within 10 days.
Can an enrollee see a new doctor before receiving a new ID card?
Yes, an enrollee may use his/her current ID card until the updated card is received by mail.
How can I get transportation?
Enrollees are eligible for transportation to routine and urgent health services. We also offer transportation to community resources including:-
Employment assistance services
Housing assistance
Food access services
New mother/new parent support and health plan baby showers
Support groups
Quit smoking programs
Community wellness events
Enrollment/renewal of medical benefits
If you need to schedule transportation, please call 866-201-9974 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Do I need a referral to see a specialist?
To see a specialist MedStar Family Choice DC requires a referral from your PCP. This allows MedStar Family Choice DC to ensure that our enrollees receive the proper care or treatment.
A referral is not required for urgent care visits, OB/GYN visits, dental visits, vision visits, or mental health and substance use services.
What if I am unsure about the level of care needed to treat an illness or injury?
Our 24/7 nurse advice line can help direct you to the care you need any time of the day or night. Call us at 855-798-3540.
To speak with a nurse about care for an illness or injury
To listen to the audio health library and learn about health conditions that may concern you or your family
Information current as of: