How can an enrollee get a new card?
To order a new card, contact MedStar Family Choice DC Enrollee Services at 888-404-3549.
How can an enrollee find local doctors?
Contact MedStar Family Choice DC Enrollee Services at 888-404-3549, or you can review a listing of in-network doctors using our Find A Provider website.
How can an enrollee change doctors?
To change doctors, call MedStar Family Choice DC Enrollee Services at 888-404-3549. A new insurance ID card with your new doctor listed will be mailed to you within 10 days.
Can an enrollee see a new doctor before receiving a new ID card?
Yes, an enrollee may use his/her current ID card until the updated card is received by mail.
Do I need a referral to see a specialist?
To see a specialist MedStar Family Choice DC requires a referral from your PCP. This allows MedStar Family Choice DC to ensure that our enrollees receive the proper care or treatment. A referral is not required for urgent care visits, OB/GYN visits, and dental visits.
What if I am unsure about the level of care needed to treat an illness or injury?
Our 24/7 nurse advice line can help direct you to the care you need any time of the day or night. Call us at 855-798-3540.
- To speak with a nurse about care for an illness or injury
- To listen to the audio health library and learn about health conditions that may concern you or your family.
Information current as of: